I want to quit smoking, but…

  • What am I going to do with my morning coffee…
  • What am I going to do with my hands…
  • What am I going to do when I meet my friends…
  • What am I going to do when bored or when I sit and wait…
  • What am I going to do when I get angry or upset…
  • What if I will gain weight …
  • What  if I will not succeed quitting smoking…

Don’t let concerns prevent you from quitting smoking!

Many people who smoke want to quit, but they worry about giving up smoking. They think that is too difficult and they will fail or that it is already too late and there no point, or that they have tried and failed so there is no hope for them.  People can stop smoking and improve their health – even if they smoked two packs a day for 60 years.  With a specific plan and support, anyone can quit smoking.

If quitting smoking is a problem for you, you can schedule for specialized treatment.

The best thing you can do to begin giving up smoking is to CALL NOW for an appointment at 0742173822 or write me an email at bursuc.bogdana@gmail.com