Online Psychotherapy for your quietness
We offer this recommendation from our long experience in psychologic therapy online. Since a long time, we work in this way when people don’t have the possibility to come to the cabinet. By example, for the Romanian diaspora or people in province who want to work together with us, then now with you to be in a safer mode.
How I do to benefit a support from an online psychologist?
To programing :
- Call the phone number:
- Or write an email at:
What do you need for an online session?
- You only need your cellular phone or a computer or a tablet.
- The psychotherapist will send you a secure link before the session by email. Click on the link and you will be directly in contact with your psychotherapist.
How to get an efficient psychotherapy session online?
- Take care about your intimacy all the time during the session and that your attention will not be disturbed.
- Close the TV set and music player, put on the silent mode on the phone for all the notifications.
- Find a comfortable place where you will stay during the session with the online psychologist. Do not walk with the electronic device during the session.
- Put the device in a stable and solid position as you do not need to hold it. The hands get tired and create a disturbing movement for you and your psychotherapist.
- If your use a computer, hide the clock with something. Let the psychotherapist take care about time.
- It is recommended to use a computer for a more comfortable image.
- Be in front of the camera as to see all your face until the upper part of the trunk.
- Take care that your device is full charged or in charge to not be interrupted during the session.
- Take care about the good internet connection quality and not have other open application in the same time. If the internet connection is lost, the session will continue without any problem and without any decreasing dynamic.