Research studies published in international journals accessible from international databases:
- 2006 Pesut D Bursuc B, Ciobanu L, Nagorni-Obradovic LJ. “Tobacoo Psychological and genetic determinants of smoking as addictive disease year”. Vojnosanit Pregl 2006, 63 (10): 883-887. Data ,
- 2009 – Pesut D Bursuc B Bulajic M Solovic I Bhagyabati S Nagorni-Obradovic L, Zlatev, Ionescu M, Duarte R Strambu I Sorete Tree A, Srivastava GN. “Illness perception in tuberculosis Patients by implementation of the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (BIPQ) – A Multicenter Stud”y. Breathing Eur J 2009, 34 (Suppl 53): S2511 (CD-ROM)
- 2010 – Pesut D, Ciobanu L, Bhagyabati, Nagorni-ObradovicLj, Raljevic S RaileanuM, Bulajic M, badgers B. “Illness Perception in COPD Patients”, Advances in Allergy, asthma & Immunology: From Science To Clinical Management Basics.
Chapters published in books by several authors and one editor:
Chapters published in books by several authors and one editor:
- 2008 – Pesut DP, Maat MJ, badgers BN. “Nicotiana tabacum – The Flower of Evil”. Chapter III: MM Lapointe (Editor). Adolescent smoking and health research. New York: Novapublishers, 2008 in press, ISBN: 978-1-60456-046-6.
https: / / - 2008 – Pesut DP, Maat MJ, badgers BN. “Nicotiana tabacum – The Flower of Evil”. In: Handbook of Smoking and Health, New York: Novapublishers, 2008 in press, ISBN: 978-1-60692.
https: / / - 2009 – co-author, “The Importance of Assessing Psychosocial Risk Factors in Disease Prevention at Work”, Healthy and safe Workplaces, European Week for Safety and Health at Work (eds.) 978-973-0-07106 ISBN -1.
- 2007 – co-author, “Occupational Stress and Musculoskeletal Diseases, LESS EFFORT!” European Week for Safety and Health at Work, (eds.) Rares Liviu Munteanu & Lupu.
- 2006 – Co-author, “Problem Solving, Counseling Methods”. Compendium. (Ed.) Jigau M, Institute of Education Sciences, Bucharest, Romania.
- 2006 – co-author, “Occupational Health and Healthy Lifestyle at Work, SAFE START”. European Week of Safety and Health at work, (eds.) Adrian Jr Reit, Dr. Ing Ion Visa, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania.
Publications for promoting and applying psychology research:
- 2009, “Risk Assessment: Emotional Health and Productivity”, Obiectiv Magazine, no1.
- 2008, “Smoking: Risk factor or Addiction?” How we talk to our patients about quitting smoking? Box Communication magazine, Pulse Media Network Publisher, Romania.
- 2007, copyright, Medical Personnel and Mental Health Service Users Communication – A Program for Improving Medical Personnel and Mental Health Service Users. Communication Column, National Center for Mental Health, Ministry of Health.
- 2007, Author, Management of Insomnia – Assessment and Intervention Guide for Family Physicians, the National Center for Mental Health, Ministry of Health.
- 2007 copyright, Somatization Disorders – Assessment and Management Guide for Family Physicians, National Center for Mental Health, Ministry of Health.
- 2007 – “Adherence to Treatment a Communication Problem”, Communication Column Magazine, Pulse Media Network Publisher, Romania.–Campanie-aderenta_la_tratament,_o_problema_de_comunicare%3F–5284.html - 2007 – “The Patient’s Emotional Needs”, Communication Column Magazine, Pulse Media Network Publisher, Romania.–x-Comunicare-Nevoile_emotionale_ale_pacientului–5402.html - 2007 – Co-author and co-coordinator, “Classroom Management. Guide for Elementary School Teachers and Mid to High School Teachers”. UNICEF Romania and the Centre for Partnership and Equality, Romania. ISBN 978-973-7871-94-7 - 2007 – Author – A Healthy Professional Life. Occupational Health Programs. Center for Partnership and Equality, Romania.
- 2006 – Co-coordinator, co-author, “Preventing Trafficking and Labour Exploitation of Children”. International Labour Office, ILO-IPEC, Romania and the Centre for Partnership and Equality, Romania. - 2004 – co-author, “Be European! Promoting and Supporting Equal Opportunities for Men and Women”, Center for Partnership and Equality, Romania.
- 2004 – Co-coordinator, co-author, How to Develop a Healthy Lifestyle. Gender Dimension in Health Education, Centre for Partnership and Equality, Romania.
- 2003 – Co-coordinator, co-author of Gender Differences in Raising and Educating Children, Centre for Partnership and Equality, Romania.