Individual psychotherapy services treat anxiety, depression and tobacco dependence (smoking):
What are the individual psychotherapy services?
- Sessions lasting 50-60 minutes;
- Individual psychotherapy is a program of regular meetings: there are approximately 12 sessions conducted over a period of 3-4 months;
- First session aims to understand the difficulties you face and evaluate your personal problems, vulnerability and resources;
- The next step is to set goals for changing and improving the quality of life;
- The sessions will also be used for building and implementing an action plan that leads to change;
- Throughout the therapy your progress and personal achievements will be monitored, and the action plan will be redesinged to better match your needs and priorities;
I know that emotional problems are sensitive issues about which many of us find it difficult to talk, because we are ashamed or because we fear we might be misunderstood or judged. Also, I know that psychotherapy is a new form of treatment that many people have not experienced and therefore are reluctant to access.
That’s why we offer you a RISK FREE session of psychotherapy:
• It is totally confidential,
• It doesn’t involve any commitment on your part.
There is no risk if you make an appointment. CALL NOW at 0742173822 or write me an email:
What is needed from you to access individual psychotherapy?
- Willingness to come to the office (except for those who can not leave home because of problems of anxiety or depression);
- Willingness to enter into a program of regular meetings (average number is 12 sessions conducted over a period of 3-4 months; the number of meetings may be lower or higher depending on the personal problem);
- Willingness to implement the recommendations: to complete questionnaires, to monitor progress and to do homework;
- Willingness to make an appointment: Call 0742173822 or write me an email at bursuc.bogdana@gmail.comIndividual psychotherapy services are cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy services;